Operational network code

General information

Technical requirements applicable to GRTgaz’s transmission pipelines and to gas transmission, distribution and storage installations connected to the grtgaz network.

Management of the upstream capacities

B1.1 - Method for determining upstream capacity

B3.1 – Conditions of capacity availability at the entry/exit points of GRTgaz's Transmission System outside maintenance periods

B3.2 – Interruption of upstream network interruptible capacity

B3.3 – Interruption of upstream network backhaul capacity

B3.4 – Buy back Procedure

B3.5 – The allocation of capacity between the North-South link and PITS Nord Atlantique and Sud Atlantique

Downstream capacity management

C3.2 – Procedure for the interruption of daily transmission capacity on the regional transmission and delivery systems - option 1

C3.3 – Procedure for the interruption of daily transmission capacity on the regional transmission and delivery systems - option 2

C3.4 – Interruption of regional network interconnection points (PIRR) daily transmission capacities

C3.5 – Procedure for the interruption of daily transmission capacity subscribed on optional short notice interruptible service

Forecasts - Nominations - Scheduling - Quantities

E1.1-Forecasts Nominations Schedules

E1.2 – Scheduling on title transfer points

E1.3 – Scheduling except on title transfer points