A collaboration based on the quest for superior performance
GRTgaz has a special organisation dedicated to its suppliers. The company uses its Finance, CSR and Purchasing Department to identify suppliers able to meet its needs. It seeks to establish collaborative conditions that embrace the quest for superior performance by all stakeholders.
Once suppliers are compliant with GRTgaz’s core demands, they are given access to consultations in a fair, standardised way. In some cases, they have to obtain a specific qualification, depending on the type of materials or services involved.
GRTgaz applies the provisions of the law on modernized business practices of 4 August 2008 in regard to payment terms and conditions, payment deadlines, and dematerialised invoices.
GRTgaz has set out 5 key ethical principles as part of its Purchasing Policy. The aim is to establish relations with suppliers that are ethical, sustainable and transparent, and which align with its ethics and compliance approach.