Project supervisor or the person/works company

Are you a private individual, a construction company, a local authority or a farmer planning to carry out works?
Entretien d'une bande de servitude

You are a local resident living near to our facilities

If you are a private individual and you plan to carry out works, you must apply the regulation in force to ensure both your own safety and that of GRTgaz facilities that may be buried (and invisible) on your land.
Surveillance aérienne Région Rhône-Méditerranée

You are a construction company

Whether you are operating on a worksite as a contractor or sub-contractor, you have a legal obligation to find out about the location of the existing networks and fill in the declaration forms for your works.
Research and Innovation Center for Energy's building - Photo: Philippe Dureuil

You are a farmer

When one or more high-pressure natural gas pipelines run through your land, there are several important rules that you must comply with to avoid damaging the GRTgaz facilities and for your own safety.
Anaerobic digestion factiry - Photo: Thierry Duqueroix

You are a local authority

A local authority’s obligations towards GRTgaz’s facilities depend on the role that the authority has in the planned works or the operation of the network.
Surveillance aérienne Région Rhône-Méditerranée
Research and Innovation Center for Energy's building - Photo: Philippe Dureuil
Anaerobic digestion factiry - Photo: Thierry Duqueroix

You must acquire all necessary information about the presence of GRTgaz pipelines near to your future worksite, from the preparation phase of any works project onwards.

Both public and private works require that you complete a Declaration of Proposed Works (DT) and a Declaration of Intent to Carry out Works (DICT) to guarantee the safety of people, property, the environment and the networks.

A One-Call System providing you with information

This information is available from all Town Councils and on the networks and pipelines One-Call System websites.

This website also provides the names of network operators affected by your works, as well as the Declaration of Proposed Works (DT) and a Declaration of Intent to Carry out Works (DICT) forms, in particular for invisible buried networks.

The information you will need to submit your DT and DICT forms is available on the networks One-Call System website. GRTgaz will respond with its recommendations via the DT or DICT form receipts.

If you are supervising a development project, your obligations relate to the DT and DICT forms and the handling of the Public Utility Easements (SUP) under Land-use Planning. You can find details of these obligations as well as GRTgaz's support proposals for your project on this page (link to the page for development project supervisors).

Emergency works

In the case of emergency works (i.e. those justified for reasons of security, safeguarding people and property, continuity of a public service or force majeure), you should consult the networks and pipelines One-Call System website to contact the managers of security-sensitive networks.

For operators of networks transporting hazardous materials, such as GRTgaz, the party commissioning the works must call the network operator to find out the directives to apply before any work is carried out, and provide the persons or entities performing the works with this information. A notice of emergency works is then sent to GRTgaz as soon as possible.

PROTYS: an indispensable addition to the One-call System

  • To simplify this process, GRTgaz recommends you use
  • Protys is a works management company. Their platform allows customers declaring works to send their declarations electronically, and network operators to manage and respond to declarations.
  • The platform has direct links to the main network operators (GRDF, RTE, GRTgaz, Orange, Teréga), who use the same tool to receive and respond digitally to DT and DICT declarations.

Preparing and Declaring works projects: "do the right thing" form

Declaring is protecting - french only