Gas consumption overview in France for 2024 - 2025

In a context of energy crisis, and furthermore, of transition and energy restraint, we present here a weekly overview of gas consumption in France. These data, made available on GRTgaz’s website, make it possible to grasp, in a glance, the state of the French gas system as the Government’s energy efficiency plan is implemented.

National gas consumption trending

National gas consumption trending

National gas consumption trending over the period from 1 August 2024 to 13 October 2024 compared to the same period 2018 / 2019.

This decline is the result of a significant reduction in consumption by public distribution and large industrial customers connected to the transmission network, as well as a reduced demand on gas-fired power plants.

Last update: 13/10/2024

National gas consumption trending (Large industrial, Public distribution, Centralised Electricity Generation)

Detailed consumption table

Detailed consumption table

Gas consumption overview in ODRÉ

Gas efficiently: Ecogaz scheme

Launched on 2022, Ecogaz provides a means to forecast any stresses on the network with a view to triggering schemes for reducing industrial consumers’ gas demand in advance.

>> Press release  (October 2022) : launch of the Ecogaz scheme
>> Ecogaz website

For a better understanding

  • Consumption adjusted for weather: the quantity of gas that would have been consumed had temperatures been in line with seasonal norms. This is a theoretical consumption level used to neutralise the effect weather variations.
  • Large industrial: these are industrial customers directly connected to the gas transmission grid. This sector includes electricity transmission by cogeneration.
  • Public distribution (DP): a network used for transporting gas from the transmission grid to end-consumers.
  • Centralised Electricity Generation (CEG): these are gas-fired power plants (CCG for Combined Cycle Gas and CT for Combustion Turbine) characterised by both a high level of consumption and large variations in consumption over the course of a day, hence significant demand for intra-day modulation. These sites are referred to in French as SFM for “significantly modulated sites”. Production by cogeneration is not taken into account in the CEC sector but rather in the large industrial sector.