“We are Renewable Gases”

The campaign that unleashes gas energy
Visuels clés associés à la campagne de communication GRTgaz

Renewable gases are still poorly understood in our country, despite their great potential. “Who” are they? How are they produced? How can we integrate them into our regional development? How can they contribute to France’s energy independence by 2050? What benefits do they offer in terms of job creation and business stimulus? To answer these questions, GRTgaz launched a wide-reaching campaign in 2021 to support the development of renewable gases in France.

The climate emergency is here, and advances in technology have shown the potential for developing renewable gases. In its “We are Renewable Gases” campaign, GRTgaz promotes and demystifies renewable gases by stressing the positive impact they can have on our lives and by making this knowledge accessible to everyone.

A campaign that plays on people’s emotions

We are Renewable Gases” are the first words you will hear. Right away, the phrase alludes to the various forms of renewable gases. We want them to be viewed as active players in the ecological transition – as “individuals” with their own beliefs who want to make a positive contribution to our changing world.

We are renewable gases. (french only)

The campaign highlights five key strengths of renewable gases:

Cette campagne télévisée lancée le 20 novembre 2020 a été diffusée sur les trois chaînes du groupe France Télévisions, TF1, les principales chaînes d’information continue ainsi qu’Arte à travers 5 spots publicitaires. Un format exceptionnel de 55 secondes, une version de 30 secondes et trois formats courts de 20 secondes avec pour caisse de résonance les réseaux sociaux. La campagne converge sur le site gazenergiedespossibles.fr, qui propose de l’information pédagogique, 14 visuels clés, des articles. Il comporte notamment un Abécédaire pour bien appréhender les technologies des gaz renouvelables.

The campaign highlights five key strengths of renewable gases:

  • "… they contribute to the fight against global warming", 
  • "… they are products of the earth, the wind and the sun", 
  • "… they are produced locally and consumed throughout France", 
  • "… they generate new business and new technologies", 
  • "… they are produced from our own waste".

Visuels clés de la campagne de communication GRTgaz

Useful contents