Reinforced Ecogaz scheme

Energy efficiency is here to stay: Ecogaz scheme reinforced to boost momentum
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GRTgaz is continuing its commitment to energy efficiency this winter and beyond. The Ecogaz five-day barometer which was launched in 2022, has been expanded and improved.

A year ago, the French government launched a major plan to reduce energy consumption. And the results are convincing: in one year, electricity and gas consumption has fallen by 12% (after climatic correction of the data). France’s gross gas consumption rose from 474 TWh to 430 TWh*. To date, the positive effects of the collective effort are still being felt. On 17 December, according to the dashboard for monitoring gas consumption in France, national consumption, recorded since 1 August 2023, was down by 23% compared with the same period in 2018.

At the heart of this dynamic, energy barometers have become part of French people’s daily lives, with EcoWatt for electricity and Ecogaz for gas. Set up by GRTgaz, in collaboration with Teréga and ADEME, Ecogaz provides real-time five-day forecasts of the level of stress on the gas transmission system. Last winter, it recorded 2.4 million connections per day to the ODRÉ (Open Data Energy Network) platform! A huge success!

The aim remains to encourage people, local authorities and businesses to control and reduce their energy consumption, particularly when it comes to heating. Energy efficiency is one of the main levers for taking action and anticipating the risk of stress on the network, making it possible to avoid more restrictive measures such as interruptibility or load shedding – measures that nobody wants, and which were not even necessary last year when 24 stress situations were avoided on the network during the 2022-2023 winter period. GRTgaz estimates that, without the collective energy efficiency effort, the “signal” would have been yellow 5 times, and orange 19 times.

*Sources: GRTgaz, Teréga, GRDF, ELD

Why is Ecogaz more relevant than ever?

For the 2023-2024 winter season, GRTgaz is continuing its commitment to energy efficiency by renewing the Ecogaz scheme. Although the gas supply situation is reassuring, there is still the possibility of a cold spell. Ecogaz stands out for its sustainable nature, fully in line with the energy transition, which also requires energy efficiency. Act 2 of the Energy Saving Plan, published in June 2023 by the French government, underlined the long-term challenge: to reduce national energy consumption by 10% by the end of 2024 and by 40% by 2050, compared to 2019.

To help meet its objectives, GRTgaz and its partners are continuing to enhance and improve Ecogaz. Here’s what’s changing this year:

  1. Revision of the thresholds for triggering yellow and amber signals for more responsive alerts
    To make the signals more effective, the trigger thresholds for yellow and amber alerts have been adjusted. From now on, the yellow alert (far higher demand than normal) will be triggered as soon as consumption forecasts exceed historical consumption levels (between 2015 and 2022) by 3% (instead of 10%). The orange alert (stress situation) will be activated at 10% (instead of the previous 15%). This adjustment is designed to prevent a rebound effect and maintain the dynamic nature of the scheme. Patrice Dubourg, in charge of the Ecogaz energy efficiency project at GRTgaz, states: “Keeping everyone’s attention is essential if the drive for energy efficiency is to last.”
  2. Four energy efficiency fact sheets created
    Produced by GRTgaz, in partnership with ADEME, Teréga, GRDF and the IGNES industrial alliance, these new fact sheets offer a wealth of advice on how to reduce gas consumption: ideal temperatures, boiler settings and maintenance, the usefulness of connected devices, eco-actions, etc. The fact sheets are available for the four types of building concerned: detached houses, private collective housing, social housing and small commercial buildings. “We're encouraging the players involved to distribute them widely, both in privately owned flats and in businesses,” says Patrice Dubourg.

“While 60% of buildings in France are still heated with gas, the sector is recommending that its players sign up to the Ecogaz charter,”

Patrice Dubourg

Charged of the Ecogaz energy efficiency project at GRTgaz

Ecogaz devient une référence

For the first time ever, Ecogaz has made its appearance in a legislative text. Published in the Official Journal on 29 November 2023, a new standardised operation sheet, as part of the Energy Saving Certificates (ESC) scheme, refers to the barometer for obtaining the “Connected Room-by-Room Heating Control Boost”, a new public aid scheme to finance the installation of programmable thermostats on household heating systems. And that's not all. The building sector also refers to Ecogaz in its new Sustainable Building Plan. “While 60% of buildings in France are still heated with gas, the sector is recommending that its players sign up to the Ecogaz charter,” explains Patrice Dubourg.

The charter, which aims to create a circle of partners committed to energy efficiency in the gas industry, is gaining increasing support. By the end of 2023, 116 partners had signed it. It includes a wide range of companies, players in the housing sector, local authorities, federations and associations, and even the media. They are all committed to reducing consumption, raising awareness and promoting energy efficiency.

« L’utilisation d’Ecogaz donne une traduction concrète et immédiate aux engagements RSE des partenaires signataires et permet une mobilisation interne autour d’un projet d’intérêt général directement lié aux enjeux de transition énergétique et de maintien de la compétitivité économique au niveau national »

Patrice Dubourg

Charged of the Ecogaz energy efficiency project at GRTgaz

To go further