Anyone managing a land use or works project must inform GRTgaz about any project located in a zone called SUP linked to its facilities.

SUP under Land-use Planning ("Maîtrise de l’Urbanisation")

Since May 2012, SUPs called “Maîtrise de l’Urbanisation”  linked to risks have been imposed along gas transmission pipelines. They reflect local residents’ level of exposure to accident risks generated by the pipelines.

GRTgaz must be notified of any projects located in its SUP (“Maîtrise de l’Urbanisation”) areas that are subject to restrictions, prohibitions or precautions.

The size of these zones depends on the features of the facilities and are stated in the land-use planning documents for each municipality.

SUP for all construction ("implantation")

Construction easements are imposed for the construction of GRTgaz facilities either:

  • by an easement agreement (amicable agreement leading to compensation),
  • by administrative easements (transferability decree).

Since 2012, their scope has been set by the DUP, where article L.555 -27 of the French Environmental Code provides that the DUP confers the following rights:

  • to bury pipelines in the ground within a strip as of land known as a “narrow strip” (bande étroite) or a “full-access strip” (“bande de servitudes fortes”) (so-called “non aedificandi, non sylvandi” zones with no buildings or trees over two metres high);
  • using the technical accessories necessary for their operation or protection;
  • in a so-called “wide strip” (bande large) or a “limited-access strip” (“bande de servitudes faibles”) (temporary occupation necessary for construction and maintenance), in which the “bande étroite” will also be included, to have access to said land at any time “for the performance of works necessary for the construction, operation, maintenance and ongoing improvement of the safety of the pipelines”.

The transporter is entitled to these zones by regulations. They apply as of the DUP and are appended to the Plan Local d’Urbanisme or the Carte Communale (French town planning regulations) in application of Article L.151-43 of the French Town Planning Code (Easements I3 - gas).