2022 Gas Outlook

GRTgaz, GDRF and Teréga, working together with the Professional Union of Non-Nationalised Gas Companies (SPEGNN), present the 2022 Gas Outlook.

Gas Outlooks are a regulatory forecasting operation for gas production and consumption over 10 years. They are carried out jointly by the network operators.

This 2022 edition presents an update of the “TERRITORIES” scenario from the 2021 edition, which includes a two-fold constraint:

  • to be in line with France’s “Fit for 55” goal in 2030,
  • to hit the target of carbon neutrality by 2050 with a commitment to limited reliance on renewable gas imports and low use of CO2 capture and storage processes.

Every year, in compliance with Article L. 141-10 of the French Energy Code, transmission and distribution network managers are responsible for drawing up multiannual forecasts for France’s gas demand and its renewable gas production.


Rapport d'activité

Perspectives gaz 2022