Biomethane injection in 2021

A positive feedback
Macé anaerobic digestion station (Normandy)

GRTgaz, GRDF, REGAZ-Bordeaux, R-GDS and Teréga are publishing the fourth edition of the feedback report on biomethane injection. This independent report aims to inform players about the injection performance of biomethane plants, sourced with "agricultural" and "industrial" residues. The French biomethane sector is experiencing strong growth with a 64% increase in annual production capacity (6.4 TWh by the end of 2021). It is dominated by agricultural and industrial methanisation plants, which represents 88% of the sites.

Key results:

  • 2021 marks a turning point for methanisation: 145 new agricultural and industrial sites were commissioned (2.1 TWh of installed capacity).
  • 2021 was marked by high market prices at the end of the year, which made biomethane gas naturally competitive with fossil gas. Some producers injected beyond their Cmax (target injection rate in Nm3/h), thus illustrating their ability to increase their production, within the operating limits of their facilities, to take advantage of price opportunities.
  • An average injection rate of 88% of their Cmax (82% in 2020); an increase thanks to the good performance of new sites.
  • Agricultural sites older than 2 years are still performing above average (half of the sites inject more than 94% of their Cmax).
  • 99.4% average availability rate of network operators' injection stations in 2021.