2023 GRTgaz integrated report

Our energies at the service of all challenges
Rapport intégré 2023

GRTgaz's 2023 integrated report has been released and is available! Under the title “Our energies serving all challenges”, you will discover everything that made 2023, and everything we are mobilizing for in 2024.

Financial results, CSR and climate strategy, trends and new renewable gases and hydrogen, governance, security, etc., this report is an opportunity to provide an overview of the past year and outline future prospects.

An edition dotted with interviews with employees who share their daily motivation and their pride in the service of the energy transition.

To consult it, go to our dedicated and e-accessible space. You will find the key facts there as well as access to the report in its entirety, in e-reader or as a PDF download.

Very good reading!


2023 GRTgaz integrated report
Business review

GRTgaz 2023 integrated report

2023 GRTgaz integrated report

Pour aller plus loin

Couverture Rapport intégré de GRTgaz 2023 et photos infrastructures

GRTgaz’s financial and non-financial performance in 2023

GRTgaz’s overall performance in 2023