We have strong growth potential

The 2019 French Climate Energy law reaffirmed the target of supplying 10% of total gas consumption using renewable gas by 2030. This virtuous energy will therefore play a crucial role in our national low-carbon strategy. AlthoughFrance is the 3rd European country in terms of the number of biogas plants installed, our renewable gas production is still very modest representing less than 1% of the gas that we use. But our potential for growth is strong.

Renewable gases are becoming more commonplace in France

(2019 figures)

861 biogas production units in service


Biomethane injection points are gaining momentum

(2019 figures)


In capacity



The biomethane sector is expanding

(2019 figures)

Promising prospects looking ahead to 2030

10% of gas consumed will be from renewable sources


Anaerobic digestion

(by 2030)

  • Between 12 and 30 TWh/year of biomethane will be injected by between 500 and 1,400 sites
  • 30 TWh/year is the equivalent to the total energy consumption of 2,500,000 households
  • 2 million tonnes of C02 will be saved thanks to the biomethane sector (Each MWh of biomethane produced, injected, and consumed = 188 kg of CO2 saved)



(by 2028)

  • 1/2 million tonnes of waste/year will be recovered
  • 1 TWh of gas per year will be injected
  • CO2 emissions will be reduced by 165,000 tonnes


Power to gas

(by 2030)

Target of incorporating 10% hydrogen into the networks (6% in the short term)


Hydrothermal gasification (by 2023/2025)

  • Reaching an Industrial scale
  • Installations of unit sizes of between 0.5 and 6 t/h.


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To go further

We are putting an end to our dependence on fossil fuels