Promoting the installation of (bio)NGV stations in Nouvelle-Aquitaine

The TÉMOB Initiative involves setting up a network of renewable multi-energy stations combining (bio)NGV, green electricity and, eventually, green hydrogen.
NGV station in Wissous (France) - photo: Grégory Brandel

The TÉMOB Initiative involves setting up a network of renewable multi-energy stations combining (bio)NGV, green electricity and, eventually, green hydrogen. Heavy vehicles (including buses and coaches) represent 2% of France’s road vehicles but 22% of the transport sector’s GHG emissions. GRTgaz wants to focus its efforts on this category of vehicle by partnering with the TÉMOB Initiative, which brings together 14 energy unions from the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region as well as local public companies. Their shared goal is to set up a network of renewable multi-energy stations combining (bio)NGV, green electricity and eventually, green hydrogen.

These pooled efforts are justified by the difficulties in finding suitable locations for this type of infrastructure. Twelve stations should be open by end-2022, and the aim is to increase this figure to 20-25 by end-2025.

TÉMOB echoes the initiative launched in 2019 by all gas network operators to produce a regional blueprint detailing the number and location of (bio)NGV stations needed by 2023 and 2035. Alongside its efforts to promote gas mobility, GRTgaz will be studying solutions to connect planned stations directly to its network. For stations that will be connected in large part to the distribution network, it will likewise examine any upstream strengthening or alteration to the transmission network needed prior to start of the works.

TÉMOB Initiative: presentation, useful information, stations map

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