Discover the second of edition of soNews

GRTgaz news about the energy transition for all stakeholders.
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GRTgaz’s newsletter, soNews, is aimed at all of the company’s stakeholders. It shares GRTgaz’s news about the energy transition, including the projects, initiatives and partnerships that the company is involved with.

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Second edition in summary:

In February, GRTgaz presented its 2021 Gas and Renewable Gas review to the press. Key takeaways included: a 6% rise in consumption; a market that is adapting to supply conditions and above all the booming biogas sectors, and the first steps towards a genuine hydrogen market.

The French state will implement experimental contracts for biogas production facilities using innovative technologies. As part of this process, the "New Energy Systems” Sector Strategy Committee has entrusted GRTgaz with leading a Call for Expression of Interest (CEI) relating to pyrogasification – a technology that transforms solid waste into gas that can be injected into the networks. The CEI is open to all project developers until 29 April.

On 10 March, GRTgaz and Teréga published a feedback report on the hydrogen consultation launched in June last year. Low-carbon and renewable hydrogen market stakeholders’ needs and expectations of infrastructure operators were clarified. Logistics was revealed to be a key factor in growing the hydrogen market from local ecosystems.

GRTgaz and ETIA launch of an initial test campaign to analyse the gas produced from different categories of solid resides as part of the SYNTHANE© project. This project aims to produce renewable and low-carbon methane using pyrogasification. This sector will contribute to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 (90 TWh in 2050).

On 26 January, to mark the launch, Daan Peter, Director of Common Futures, granted us an interview to clarify the future role that biomethane will play in the European energy mix.

GRTgaz has decided to invest €100 million in the Clean H2 Infra Fund managed by Hy24 along with Spanish and Italian gas transmission network operators, Enagás and Snam. The goal of this joint European initiative is to speed up the development of decarbonised hydrogen, which is expected to play a major role in Europe’s energy transition.

GRTgaz’s Open Innovation Factory is a way for the company to access leading innovations. Its first Call for Projects of the year addresses ways to reduce the O2 content of biomethane in the gas chain. Applications submission deadline: 15 April 2022.

Watch a video retrospective of the year 2021. A five-minute highlights reel of the last 12 months.

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soTerritoires No. 2

At the heart of the energy transition in the regions