Gas in Focus celebrates its 10th anniversary and unveils its new website !

The gas observatory is now enriched with interactive indicators updated in real time thanks to Open Data Réseaux Energies.
Station de compression d'Etrez (photo : Philippe Dureuil) et logo gasinfocus

The gas observatory, more practical and educational than ever before, is now enriched with interactive indicators updated in real time thanks to Open Data Réseaux Energies. Equipped with a new logo and design, Gas in Focus is now also 100% online in order to be in line with our ecological commitments.

Find on the new website all the information consolidated by GRTgaz and Sia Partners on natural gas and renewable gas sector through the 5 categories of indicators: Infrastructures, Uses, New gases, Markets and Supplies.

gasinfocus home page and indicators

Gas in Focus website home page and the 5 categories of indicators: Infrastructures, Uses, New gases, Markets and Supplies

gasinfocus briefly

Born in 2012, from the partnership between GRTgaz and Sia Partners, gasinfocus is positioned as the reference guide, bringing together the main indicators for a better understanding of developments on the European gas market. Gas in Focus shares consolidated and reliable information through quantified indicators and educational focuses, for professionals and all stakeholders who want to understand the energy market, and in particular the gas market.

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