French hydrogen market stakeholders' consultation

​​​​​​​GRTgaz and Teréga are launching a consultation for hydrogen market stakeholders from 1 June.
Low-carbon and renewable hydrogen market stakeholders’ consultation

GRTgaz et Teréga are launching a consultation in France from 1 June for all French hydrogen market stakeholders. The aim is to ensure that France’s future hydrogen transmission networks meet the needs and expectations of its users. The consultation is organised as part of an ongoing process to integrate changes and needs as they arise, and to ensure that the future hydrogen transmission network is aligned with the public interest.

This market consultation is open to all hydrogen stakeholders, including:

  • national and regional public and institutional stakeholders,
  • associations, trade unions, trade associations,
  • industrial companies, suppliers, producers, current or future users of H2, shippers,
  • infrastructure operators (DSO, ELD, adjacent TSOs, RTE),
  • academic stakeholders,
  • experts and other members of the public interested in the H2 market.

This market consultation will proceed as follows:

  • an information webinar: scheduled for 1 June between 3.30 pm and 4.30 pm. A consolidated vision of the needs identified to develop a French H2 network has been presented by GRTgaz and Teréga, including challenges facing the consultation and tools required,
  • H2 stakeholder market consultation: a questionnaire is available until 11 July 2021. More in-depth discussion will take place during this period and beyond.
  • H2 network development plan proposal: feedback analysis will help to fine-tune the planning of the French hydrogen networks and draw up a development plan. Planning will evolve as new elements arise from future consultations.

All the information about this consultation (next steps , webinar link, questionnaire, and contacts for all questions about the process) is published on the GRTgaz and Teréga websites.

Contenus utiles

Low-carbon and renewable hydrogen market stakeholders’ consultation

Consultation of low-carbon and renewable hydrogen market actors